I have always wanted to be a teacher! I love being able to make a difference in each student’s life. I am excited to work with older students now and help them with their reading and writing goals.
I have always wanted to be a teacher! I love being able to make a difference in each student’s life. I am excited to work with older students now and help them with their reading and writing goals.
At AHCCS we work hard to help every student find success, and the team effort is extraordinary. I like working with my students and seeing those A-ha moments when a student achieves some realization they weren’t expecting to achieve!
I became a health and physical education teacher because of my love of different sports and the enjoyment I get from teaching students new games and skills. I also love to talk about the benefits that you get from engaging in a healthy lifestyle.
I became a teacher because I had great teachers when I was in school. They helped install into me the love of learning and I want to help pass that passion to future generations who will create change in our country for the good of society
Having taught in other districts, I was happy to join Achievement House because of the greater flexibility and resources we have available. Making it possible to meet each student’s individual needs and deliver to them a better education.
I became a teacher because I wanted to make a difference in the lives of children and help them realize the opportunities they have in education to prepare for their journey into the future. My goal is for all my students to love learning and enjoy each moment spent in my classroom.